SpoofTel is always working to make your caller ID spoofing experience as simple as possible. Currently, we have released two applications (Desktop & iPhone) with more in development. Watch for the release of our Android and Blackberry app in the near future!
For any help developing your own applications for use with SpoofTel, please visit our developers page for more information.
SpoofTel's Desktop Application lets you start spoof calls right from your desktop without needing to log into the website. Simply download and install on any compatible Windows system, enter in your SpoofTel user name and password and start spoofing!
Requires .NET Framework 2.0
SpoofTel's iPhone Application is the easiest way to spoof your caller ID with your jailbroken iPhone or compatible device. The SpoofTel iPhone app is full featured allowing you to record your call and even change your voice with just a few clicks.
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